

是枝裕和×菅野よう子『海街diary』インタビュー/Hirokazu Koreeda & Yoko Kanno “Umi-machi diary” Interview
























──So you had this groove between you. One of the major scenes where the youngest sister, Suzu, was pouring her heart out for the first time to the eldest sister, Sachi, has this very soft music. It’s a harp tune, like a very discreet echo. Would you say that the overall amount of music, though, has increased compared to your other movies?


Koreeda: Yes, I would say so. Ms. Kanno’s music, though, is like ivy climbing unnoticed through the lines. It never comes in the way of the acting, so it doesn’t really feel like there is a lot more music. I think she’s done a pretty incredible job.


──There are many variations of the memorable main theme inside the story. You have scenes with just piano music, and then you have strings and winds as well in other scenes. How did you come up with all these variations?


Kanno: As I said, I was trying to express the changes of the four seasons, so I used a horn-like sound in the autumn scenes, for instance. I also tried to change the nuance of the interpretation of the theme to match Suzu’s growing up into an adult. I like such details.


──If I remember correctly, in the play, when Suzu and her classmates are frying whitebait on the beach at Kamakura, there was a female chorus in addition to the piano…


Koreeda: Oh, that? Actually, I asked for it.


──That is the only scene that is not instrumental, but has human voices. What was the reason for choosing the chorus?


Kanno: That I wanted to know too!


Koreeda: Well that is the scene where the light of the story changes the most. Right before that you have a very important shot in which the four sisters look down at the garden from their window. The four of them look at the same landscape from the same window. After this shot, the overall light just brightens up. It’s why I wanted what in music is called “transposition” right at the moment in time.


Kanno: I had no idea. I had actually struggled with that scene, because I could feel the smell of the whitebait on top of the rice, but the director wanted beautiful female voices.  (laughs) I had a hard time trying to cope with that.


Koreeda: You did?


Kanno: Yes, for me it was all about the delicious smell of the whitebait and rice. (laughs) At first, I just couldn’t see the two together. But then I told myself: “Just stop smelling the fish!” I imagined I was looking at the scene from above, and everything changed, so I could finally write the music.


──At the end of the story, there is another new tune, completely different from the main theme. That gentle clarinet sound rising up in the air made a huge impression on me.


Kanno: Come to think of it now, I didn’t really stay on course with what I’d been originally asked to do, which was a “string quartet”.


Koreeda: Ha-ha-ha. You’re right. (laughs)


Kanno: I don’t know how it happened… I guess I tried to express the idea of a diary and of “time flying by, unaware of everything that happens”. The director just mentioned “going along with the play”. I also felt as if I was turning the pages of this diary and adding drops of music here and there. For this reason, the last melody is like saying “The End” and closing the diary. I’m afraid that was at least 2% more selfish entertainment and a more dramatic finale than the director asked for. (laughs)


Koreeda: No, no, you’re exaggerating. I loved that ending. A perfect last tune that keeps everything in balance.


──It looks as if you both learned a lot working together for the first time.


Kanno: Yes. I know I did. Music is first and foremost a genre that is well suited for expressing feelings and emotions. I consider this a rare opportunity, as I had to match music not to people, but to “time itself”. I had a lot of fun doing it. I also enjoyed talking to the director and adjusting the music as we talked. (laughs) I haven’t met many directors as groovy as Mr. Koreeda, to be honest.


Koreeda: I would listen to the music and it helped me confirm once again the meaning of each scene. I enjoyed how this influenced the editing. Which reminds me, when I sent Ms. Kanno the final edited version and told her “I think it looks pretty good”, she got back to me saying: “It now feels like one of your works.”


Kanno: Are you talking about the end?


Koreeda: Yes, the very last. I thought, “This has been a great experience”. We never talked about editing the picture itself, only the music. But it obviously affected the movie overall, and as a result I feel like I was pointed to the right direction. The very direction that the story was supposed to take.



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撮影 中野修也/photo Shuya Nakano

文 大谷隆之/text  Takayuki Otani

編集 桑原亮子/edit  Ryoko Kuwahara











出演:綾瀬はるか 長澤まさみ 夏帆 広瀬すず

加瀬亮 鈴木亮平 池田貴史 坂口健太郎 前田旺志郎 キムラ緑子 樹木希林

リリー・フランキー 風吹ジュン 堤真一 大竹しのぶ

製作:フジテレビジョン 小学館 東宝 ギャガ

配給:東宝 ギャガ

 (C) 2015 吉田秋生・小学館/フジテレビジョン 小学館 東宝 ギャガ




Umi-machi Diary (Our Little Sister)

In all cinemas across the country


Three sisters living in Kamakura, Sachi, Kano and Chika, receive news about their father’s death, whom they haven’t seen in 15 years.

They travel to Yamagata for the funeral and there they meet their stepsister, Suzu, for the first time.

Suzu has no one left to care for her, and when she sees her trying to act with resolution among useless grownups at the funeral, Sachi, the eldest sister, suddenly asks her before leaving: “Suzu…why don’t you come with us to Kamakura? Let’s live together, the four of us!”

A new life begins in Kamakura for the four sisters–

Based on a manga by Akimi Yoshida (Shogakukan “Monthly Flowers” Series)

Director & Screenplay writer: Hirokazu Koreeda (Like Father, Like Son)

Starring: Haruka Ayase, Masami Nagasawa, Kaho, and Suzu Hirose

Also starring: Ryo Kaze, Ryohei Suzuki, Takafumi Ikeda, Kentaro Sakaguchi, Oshiro Maeda, Midoriko Kimura, Kirin Kiki

Lily Franky, Jun Fubuki, Shinichi Tsutsumi, Shinobu Otake


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