
text by Karin Horikoshi & Ryoko Kuwahara

Interview with Tzuchin Shen & Song Mi-jin(Seivson)


音楽や映画だけでなく、ファッション&アートの分野でも注目度の高い韓国カルチャーシーンでジャンルレスに活躍する気鋭のクリエイター(イラストレーター、ペインター、ファッションブランドなど)による、韓国ポップカルチャーを体感できるイベント「KOREAN POP CULTURE NOW」を1月26日(金)から表参道ROCKETで開催。参加クリエイターの中から、2018S/Sに本格立ち上げながら既に日本のファッション雑誌、WEBマガジンなどで注目されている「Seivson(セイヴソン)」のデザイナー二人に成り立ちから今後の展開までを聞いた。


Tzuchin&Song「このブランドは出身がまったく違う二人の女の子で立ち上げました。申子芹(Tzuchin Shen)は台湾で服装学院が誇る大学を卒業し、業界で数年間経験を積んだデザイナー。もう一人の台湾で大活躍している韓国の芸能人である宋米秦(Song Mi-jin)、台湾でいくつかの韓国ファッションブランドをプロモーションしています。元々親友である私たちはファッションに誰にも負けない情熱で、自分の着たい服をベースに、生活に対する考えを入れて、この『Seivson』が生まれました」

——Can you tell us What is your story behind creating Seivson?

This brand is established by two girls who has completely different backgrounds. Tzuchin Shen is from Taiwan, graduated a respected fashion college, and is a designer who has gained experience through work in the fashion industry. The other, Song Mi-jin, is currently hugely successful in Taiwan as an entertainer, and is from Korea. She represents a few Korean fashion brands in Taiwan. The two of us had been friends from before. With our unbeatable passion for fashion, we based the brand on clothes that we personally want to wear and introduced a thought on lifestyle. With that, SEIVSON was born.


Tzuchin「実際に台湾のアパレルは天候の影響がすごく⼤きいんです。四季がはっきりしていないだけではなく、⾬で湿度が高かったり、強い紫外線や、⼤気汚染なども大きな問題となっています。こうした環境問題から、台湾の人は変化する環境に適応する機能性を重視するようになりました。Seivsonもそんな⼥性の⽣活ニーズに合わせてデザインしています。 例えばトレンチコートは⽣地からUVカット、撥⽔、透湿などの機能が付いて、そしてメタルボタンはエコ素材で、アンチアレルギーのものを使っています。一方、近年台湾のアパレルもファストファッションの影響をかなり受けましたね。Seivsonはこんな激しい競争のマーケットの中で目立つため、精一杯デザインに時間かけました。ファストファッションの衝撃を負けないよう、ほかのブランドも超えれるオーセンティックなアイテムを作りたいです」

Song「外⾒重視の韓国⼈は毎⽇コーデに時間掛かりますよね。誰でも他⼈の目に気にするし、服装も社会地位の表現方法の⼀つと考えてられています。 また最近、⼥性の社会的地位が向上しています。沢⼭の分野で活躍し、経営者として成功する⼈も少なくありません。多くの⼥性が『⾃分もいつかそういう⼥性になりたい!』と目標を持ち頑張っています。芯が強く、ブレない意志を貫く、『かっこいい女性像』は今や韓国ファッションのブームになっているのです」


——Tzuchin, you’re from Taiwan and Song, from South Korea. Are there cultural influences from both countries in your designs?

Tzuchin: Weather impacts apparel in Taiwan profoundly. Not only are the four seasons vague, but there are big environmental problems emerging such as high humidity from rain, strong radiation, and atmospheric pollution. Due to such problems, people in Taiwan have begun to cherish clothing functionalities that correspond to the environment. SEIVSON also deigns corresponding to women’s lifestyle needs. For example, our trench coat uses a material that cuts UV light, is water repellent, and permeates moisture. The metal buttons are made of eco-friendly materials and are anti-allergenic. On the other hand, apparel in Taiwan has been greatly influenced by fast fashion lately. To stand out in such a competitive market, SEIVSON has devoted its utmost to design. To compete with the impact of fast fashion, I want to make items that are authentic and go above and beyond other brands.

Song: Koreans, who hold value in appearance, take time to coordinate their outfits every day. Everyone cares about how other people view them, and the way people dress is said to be one way to express their status in society. Also, recently, women’s social statuses have been improving. There are quite a few women who are active in numerous fields that become successful as managers. Plenty of women think, “I want to be such a woman one day!” and work hard towards their goal. The image of a ‘strong woman’ who is robust and perseveres has become a trend in Korean fashion today.

Tzuchin & Song :Koreans like styles that are popular in the UK and US, mixed with personal ideas that make them correspond more to Asians. Korean celebrities have an especially strong connection to the fashion industry, so everyone follows celebrity looks. The entertainment and fashion industries, and media have a deep bond – this inseparable relationship also brings about a new Korean culture.




ーーSong, you’re from South Korea – what made you want to work in Taiwan?

Song :I have dreamed of becoming an entertainer since I was little. I had worked very hard towards that dream, but couldn’t come upon any good opportunities. Just when I thought of quitting, I got an offer from Taiwan. From there I clearly progressed, and reached my goal of becoming a singer. To me, all my strength comes from my dreams. My dream now, is fashion. A dream is not just a dream! I’ll work hard to make it come true one day.

ーーお二人の役割分担は? また二人のバランスをどのようにとっていますか。


——Tell us a little bit about each of your roles in the brand. How do you two balance each other’s roles?

Tzuchin&Song:We originally have different tastes and dress differently, so when ideas are born upon us clashing, it’s definitely fresh. Usually designs are led by Tzuchin, and Song adds her own ideas to it. Of course, we think of the consumer’s perspective too, until everyone is satisfied with that one design. Song leads the promotion and media marketing of this brand.We plan to continue working with such structure.





——The constructive, architectural silhouettes and patterns juxtaposed and styled with street fashion is very impressive. Where do you get ideas for such unique silhouettes and patterns?

Tzuchin&Song : This year’s theme is the concept of “screws”. Screws don’t usually stand out, but support the connection of one thing to another.

“From a small screw to a big thing/matter” is our concept. We think from the minutest places. That’s why even the designs take part in details. We established SEIVSON with such intent, of wanting to create ordinary fashion turned into a new women’s style.



——Are/were there any artists or works that you are/were inspired by?

Tzuchin&Song : All the ideas come from lifestyle. Therefore, we designed according to all lifestyles and their corresponding needs. Of course, the visual impact as a brand is very important as well. It would be nice to create a trend that suits us, while staying true to our viewpoints.




—— I notice you use motifs that one would typically see a construction worker wearing in your collection. (For example, screws, 3M reflective materials, and caps). Where does this theme/concept derive, and what is its significance?

Tzuchin&Song :Screws are usually never seen on clothing. This impossible item as a detail incorporated into clothing creates a natural sense of collusion. This season, we hope to provide everything related to clothing, for example, materials and patterns with combinations that no one would imagine. With this innovative perspective, SEIVSON turned the table and gave apparel a new meaning. Through women’s wear incorporated with industrial elements, such as screws, toolboxes and 3M prints, we hope to excite an ordinary daily lifestyle.



——Can you tell us about your selection of the color palette for this season’s collection?

Tzuchin&Song : In the 2018 s/s collection, we mainly used warm pinks, and stitched lining switches and patterns with similar colors. There we added industrial screws that give off a ‘hard’ look, for a modern sense of collusion.



——The styling of your collection is exquisite as well – do you do the styling yourselves? What are you mindful of when styling?

Tzuchin&Song : I personally like to coordinate outfits, and do so every day, just like a stylist. What I consider most is mixing and matching silhouettes and seeing how much style I can create. I challenge myself to different styles, so I have huge piles of bought clothing, haha. This is one of things that I enjoy in life.




——How do you select photographers and stylists that engage in shooting your looks?

Tzuchin&Song : This season, “sense of collusion” and “unbalance” is the concept, and we commit to it through the photography. The models passed down the concept with a stance not limited to human engineering, and the stylist completed the shoot at a trusted friend photographer’s house.


Tzuchin 「ええ、過去にはNYコレや東コレに参加したことがあります。沢山経験を積みました。今年は東京で発表する予定で、ほかにもパリや中国なども行く計画があります」

—— You’ve presented your collection in major cities such as Tokyo and New York. Do you change the way you showcase your clothes based on the city?

Tzuchin: We have participated in New York collections and Tokyo collections in the past. We gained a lot through those experiences. We plan on presenting in Tokyo this year, and have plans to go to Paris and China.


Tzuchin 「東京のファッションはアジアの中で最先端であり、世界的な発信地です。好きな日本のブランドは沢山あります。そのオリジナリティ、独特性、深みのあるデザインをもっともっと知りたいです。学生の頃、UNDERCOVER, sacai, ANREALAGE, FACETASMなどのブランドが大好きで、毎回のコレクション発表を楽しみにしていました」

—— How do you view fashion in Japan? Please give me your inquiry on your favorite brands or youth fashion in general.

Tzuchin: Fashion in Tokyo is cutting-edge among Asia, and is a global epicenter. I have many favorite Japanese brands. I want to know more about its originality, uniqueness, and meaningful designs. When I was a student, I liked brands like UNDERCOVER, sacai, ANREALAGE, and FACETASM, so I look forward to each of their collection releases.


Song 「韓国の若者文化はいつも歌手や番組からです。テレビの影響力はファッション界まで及んでいます。今韓国だけではなく、ほかの国の若者も韓流ブームですね、歌もドラマも、そしてファッションもその韓流ブームの一つです。ですから、韓国の芸能人のコーディネートも経済効果があります」

—— In Japan, there is a lot of attention towards youth culture. Can the same be said for Korea? What is the current trend in South Korean youth culture?

Song: Korean youth culture always derives from artists or shows. The influence of television reaches even the fashion industry. I notice that the youth generation from other countries are onto the Korean boom – music and dramas, even fashion is a part of that Korean boom. Therefore, the outfits of Korean celebrities impact the economy as well.




ーーEven for brands, social media has become a necessary tool. What is your grasp on its relation to the internet?

Tzuchin&Song : Although social media has become necessary today, more than that, I simply want people to recognize us for our apparel. Famous celebrities from all over the world have noticed that we insist on using good quality materials, and that is naturally spreading amongst the internet.



—— What are you careful of when posting?

Tzuchin&Song : I am careful of the consistency in marketing and posting easy to understand material with meaningful content. Unless content is meaningful, consumers won’t be interested in buying.



Tzuchin 「ファッションは生活に対して、自分の態度を表す表現です。


——What is ‘fashion’ to you?

Tzuchin: Fashion represents my attitude towards my lifestyle. I sometimes wear tights over pants, a-symmetrical cuts, and even walk around my town in pajamas – I have nonchalantly tried out many styles. I add my everyday outfits to the designs, and create an even newer concept.

Song: Fashion reflects an individual’s life. At different points in life, we like different clothing. From when I was young, to myself now with a family and household, clothing has always reflected changes in my thoughts and identity in life. It allows me to be myself.



—— What do you expect at the ROCKET Exhibition?

Tzuchin&Song : We have many fans from Japan. I look forward to interacting more with the people of Japan.


Tzuchin&Song「近いうちに韓国のファッションや今流⾏っているものをもっと台湾や⽇本へ展開していく予定です。 海外では2年以内にブランドの直営店の出店を計画しており、最初はアジアを中⼼に展開し、その後ヨーロッパへ進出したいと考えています。
今は東京コレクションのために準備をしている段階です。いつか機会があれば、是⾮台湾と韓国のブランドと、⽇本の若⼿デザイナーたちとのコラボレーションをしたいと思っています。 異国間のカルチャーの融合によって刺激を受け合えたらいいなと思います」

Tzuchin&Song : We plan to expand trends in Korea to Taiwan and Japan soon. We are planning on opening directly-owned stores abroad within 2 years: First, we will expand focusing around Asia, and make our way into Europe. Right now we are in the middle of planning for the Tokyo collection. If there comes a chance, we would love to collaborate with Taiwanese and Korean brands, as well as young Japanese designers. Within the fusion of foreign cultures, it would be nice to give and receive stimuli and motivate each other.



——Please tell us about your plans for the near future, along with any news we should know about.

Tzuchin&Song : For 2018 a/w we will be bringing special projects to Paris, China and Tokyo, so please stay tuned.



音楽や映画だけでなく、ファッション&アートの分野でも注目度の高い韓国カルチャーシーンでジャンルレスに活躍する気鋭のクリエイター(イラストレーター、ペインター、ファッションブランドなど)による、韓国ポップカルチャーを体感できるイベント「KOREAN POP CULTURE NOW」を1月26日(金)から表参道ROCKETで開催。

ドリーミーで少し毒のあるイラストが人気の「Ram ham(ラムハン)」やインスタグラムで4万人以上のフォロワーを持つ、レトロでガーリーな世界感の「Seoyoung/tototatatu(ソヨン)」、韓国の人気ロックバンド「ヒョゴ」のCDジャケットを手がけている「Noh Sang Ho/nemonan(ノ・サンホ)」、またファッションでは、2018S/Sに本格立ち上げながら既に日本のファッション雑誌、WEBマガジンなどで注目されている「Seivson(セイヴソン)」、ラフォーレ原宿でのポップアップショップが大盛況だった「NEONMOON(ネオンムーン)」など、今の韓国ポップカルチャーシーンを牽引する、ジャンルも雰囲気もさまざまなクリエイターが揃う。

・KIMI & 12(キミアンドイルイ)
・Seoyoung /tototatatu(ソヨン)
・Choi Sungmin(チェ・スンミン) 
・Noh Sang Ho /nemonan(ノ・サンホ)
・Ram han(ラムハン)

…and more!!

会期:2018年1月26日(金)~1月31日(水) ※会期中無休・入場無料
場所:表参道ROCKET 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-12-10 表参道ヒルズ同潤館3F Tel:03-6434-9059  
時間:11:00~21:00 ※1月28日(日) 11:00〜20:00、1月31日(水) 11:00~18:00



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