
text by Junnosuke Amai
photo by Satomi Yamauchi

“自分が傷つけられたときに、それを相手に言えることが大事。今のバンド仲間とはそういうことが言い合える”フィービー・ブリジャーズ インタビュー/ Interview with Phoebe Bridgers

悲哀や死のモチーフを凛と歌いあげ、鮮烈な印象を残したデビュー・アルバム『Stranger in the Alps』から2年。この間、数多く登場した個性豊かな女性シンガー・ソングライターたちのなかでも、フィービー・ブリジャーズはもっとも評価と注目を集めたひとりだといっていい。昨年には、彼女が信頼を寄せる同世代のふたり、ジュリアン・ベイカーとルーシー・ダカスとユニット、ボーイジーニアスを結成。その作品『Boygenius』も賞賛を得たが、さらに今年に入ってからも、ブライト・アイズのコナー・オバーストとのプロジェクト、ベター・オブリヴィオン・コミュニティ・センター名義でアルバム『Better Oblivion Community Center』を発表するなど、精力的な活動を見せている。










Phoebe「そうだなあ……“Me & My Dog”とか、ボーイジーニアスでやるときはガンガンにロックっぽいノリの曲なんだけど、自分ひとりで演奏するときは、もっと剥き出しで繊細で、生々しい感じで、まるでバラードみたいで……ちょうど日本に来る直前に愛犬が亡くなったところだったから、昨日の演奏とかまさにそんな感じだった。歌ってるときにあの子のことを今までよりも近くに感じて、またいつか絶対に会いたいなあって……だから昨日のヴァージョンはもっと切なくて、自分の弱さをさらけ出してる感じだった」

――Thank you come for Japan, it was not easy for you I guess.

Phoebe “Yeah”

――That was the first show for you in Tokyo, how was that?

Phoebe “Awesome. It was really surprising how quiet they are”

――Are people louder in other countries?

Phoebe “So much louder, like during the songs”

――It’s been a while since you released the album but is there anything that you discoverd about the album during the tour?

Phoebe “I was thinking about it last night, because such a quiet room makes you focus more on the songs,and I think I told myself to re-learning my lyrics. And I realized the other meanings of them, the true stories. There were people who listened the song for the first time so I discoverd new side of my song from their reaction. I feel the meaning of songs goes deeper then before I started the tour”

――Please tell us more about that story?

Phoebe “Well, like Me & My Dog, it was rock taste when I played at Boy Genius but when I played it by myself it’s more like sensitive and low, exactly like ballad… I lost my dog just before I came to Japan so my feeling last night was exactly like that. I felt being closer to him during the song and really want to see him again, so that’s why the version I played last night was sad, and I showed my weakness”







――Is there something impressinal comment from your fans after your show or SNS?

Phoebe “Yes, last night just we heared about terrible sexual assault by Ryan Adams, and I was one of them. And a guy talked to me to have an autograph on the 7 inch album by Ryan and me, he wasn’t so good at speaking in english but he tried to tell me that whatever happened, this is my work and he supports me, that was really touching… rough English with serious eyes. There was terrible thing, but he thinks my works really important, I was happy to cry”

――How did you became musician?

Phoebe “I just wanted song writer at the beginning, I still think about that, haha. I imagine about how the album is gonna be before starting making it and feel happy. But I found that it is the best therapy for me to writing song, especially when I was teenager it helped me a lot. I can organize my feelings from writing songs and if there is sad thing I can create art from it, so I thought this is best!”

――Is it still one of the best therapy for you to writing songs?

Phoebe “Yes, it is. And also my fellows too. I surrounded by people who supports me…like Julien Baker, Lucy Dacus, and Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes,we supporting each other so I feel it’s community that protecting ourselves”


Phoebe「私は基本的にハッピーな人間。ただ、自分が幸せなときって、そのことについていちいち考えたりしないよね? けれど連続殺人鬼のニュースだったり、死に直面したときって、どうしても多くを考させられるじゃない? だからそのことにすごく興味が湧くし、殺人鬼が主人公の『デクスター』みたいなドラマが流行ったりする。たしかにダークなテーマに向き合ってはいるけど、それが自分の趣味とか趣向とかパーソナリティをそのまま映し出してるわけじゃない。ただ、実際に自分はどれだけの闇を抱えてるのか、そこにはすごく興味がある」 







――Why you choosing dark theme, like death, sorrow or serial killer?

Phoebe “I’m more like happy person basically, but when you are happy you don’t think about it, right? But when you hear about serial killer or face to death, it makes you think about it. I’m so interested in it, that’s why people loves TV series like DXETER. My songs tend to be dark but these are not the refference of my personality, but I’m so interested in my dark side”

――I remember I heared that the record label told you to comment dark thing on SNS once.

Phoebe “It was not the current label but that I was almost have a contract, haha. I thought it was worst thing so I didn’t”

――I thought your songs have dark taste but actually your really happy person so that’s one of your charm.

Phoebe “Yes, many people get shock about it,haha”

――Mitski has mentioned that “I feel huge pressure when people into my music too much”, do you think so too?

Phoebe“Yeah that’s one of the concerning thing for all of the artists who making works refferenced their personal lives. One of my fan told me that she listening my music after her mother died, and I feel happy that my songs support someone but feel heavy at the same time, I can’t accept it and keep thinking about her…but, it is great thing that someone add their own stories to my personal story. But it is also true that it’s too much to accept it”








Phoebe「これはパラモアに限らずなんだけど、私が好きになるアーティストって、あるスタイルなりシーンなりに紐づけられて一躍時の人になっても、そのあと平気でそれまでの成功パターンを破って新しいことにチャレンジできるひとたちなんだよね。パラモアは次から次へと新しいことに挑戦しながら、ファンと一緒に成長してる気がしてすごく理想的。こないだの最新作(※『After Laughter』、2017年)は、ファーストとはまったく違ってるし、『ああ、このひとは自分のパターンに一切縛られてないんだな』って。ここまで変化しまくってたら、パラモアの次のアルバムがどうなるのか誰にも予想できないし、次は何をやってくれるんだろう?って、本当にワクワクする」

――Is there any artists that empower you like your fan that talked to you last night after the show?

Phoebe “Mitski. It is exactly me that make pressure on her like she mentioned, haha. I make reflection myself to her music. I reaaly love her music! And also, Adrianne Lenker from Big Thief, JAY SOM, Bright Eyes”

――How about when you were young? Is there any artists that you looked up to?

Phoebe “Jackson Brown, Joni Mechelle, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen and Nina Simone. It’s so not important their music style or genre, but how good their songs. I love Cardi B, Refused, and Bright Eyes because their music are awesome”

――I had many oppotunity of doing interview with female artists like Julien Baker, and everytime I asked who made them influence by they said Mitski and Hayley Williams from Paramore.

Phoebe “I love her too. We’ve known each other since when I was nineteen, she’s been gentle and kind, really good person. It was the best live for me that their show last year”

――What is the most attractive thing of Paramore or herself for you?

Phoebe “It’s not only about them but all of my favorite artists are challenger no matter they already succeeded. Paramore is always progressing with their fans and I think it’s really awesome. Their latest album, After Laughter is totally different from their first, I thought they’re not stuck in one pattern. No one can predict how they gonna be next, it’s so exciting”










Phoebe「自分が思っていた以上に、すごく大切な存在になってる。音楽とかジャーナリストの世界では、やっぱりいまだに男性中心なところがあって、最初に自分の立場を説明しなくちゃいけない場面もあったりするんだけど、ボーイジーニアスの場合はそれをしなくても済むからほんとに楽。コナーと作業するのも本当に好きだし刺激的なんだけど、音楽業界の体質的に、他人から説明求められる場面が何度かあって。『この業界の女性の扱いって、そもそもこうだから』とか、くだらない前置きが必要なの。女の子が一番最初に男だらけのギター・ショップに足を踏み入れるときの気持ちとか、経験してない人にはわかんないじゃない? でも、ボーイジーニアスのメンバーはみんな同じところを辿ってるから、それをいちいち説明しなくてもわかり合える。それが自分にとっては本当に貴重でありがたい」


Phoebe「本当にそう。というか、それは自分が今まで関わったプロジェクトすべてにおいていえることで、曲の形にすることで自分のことを話しやすくなる。とくに最初の2枚の作品(※EP『Killer』、アルバム『Stranger in the Alps』)では、自分よりも年上の男性プロデューサーと組んだことで、作品を通じて自分の意見や感情を堂々と主張できるようになって、それが自分の自信に繋がったっていうのもある」


Phoebe「まさに! なんだかわざとらしく聞こえるかもしれないんだけど、たとえば今日あった出来事とかたわいもないことを3人でチャットで言い合って、お互いに『わかるー!!』って感情を共有することだけで、すごく癒されてる」


Phoebe「四六時中チャットで話してるからなあ……今、3人でお揃いのタトゥーを入れようかって盛り上がってるところで。ガチのやつじゃなくて、パンクの人達が針で毛穴を一つ一つ埋めていって自作のタトゥーとかしてるじゃない? パンクのタトゥーってバカっぽいのが多いけど(笑)、あれをもっと私達らしく可愛くアレンジしてやるつもり」



――You used to be in punk band (Sloppy Jane), did it give you any influence on your solo project?

Phoebe “That’s same thing as what I said, I’m happy as long as the music are good, Hayley the lead vocal and songwriter of that band writes good song and I loved it, that’s why I joined her band. I played bass in the band and doing my own style, so that’s what I’m doing now”

――Do you think you gonna join the band again if you have any oppotunity?

Phoebe “Of cause I do!”

――Is there any rule when you writing songs?

Phoebe “No, because I have no idea when or where the idea comes from, I just waiting for it”

――The song writing process is changed depends on the project?

Phoebe “Totally different. About Boy Genius, I uploaded my songs on net cloud service and sharing the files with others. Making with Coner is more like orthentic style because we doing everything from making songs to recording together”

――I think all of the members of Boy Genius have their own voice and words, and there is message of various gender, how do you think about the group as a member of it?

Phoebe “It is more important thing for me than I imagined before joining. It’s still men world in music or journalism scene, so sometimes I have to explain about myself but when I talked about Boy Genius, I don’t have to do that so it’s really comfortable. I like making something with Coner because it’s exciting, but sometimes people ask me to explain about it like music industry like this…. some people never know that how girls feel when they enter to the guitar shop with full of the guys for the first time. But our member understand it so very thankfull for me”

――So Boy Genius is also therapy for you.

Phoebe “Yes,it is. I mean, it is for all of the projects that I joined so far were therapy, and it make me easier to talk about my self through making songs. Especially about first two EP and album, made with senior men producers made me to have confidence”

――Boy Genius members having relationships that heal each others.

Phoebe “Exactely. It might sounds too much but I feel really relaxing when we text each other like what happened today or sharing our feelings”

――I see.

Phoebe “I mean,we texting all the time…we are thinking that having same tatoo, not the serious one but like punk people have. You know, most of these punk style tatoo looks like idiot but we make it more pretty one”

――Well, this will be the last question. You mentioned about it earlier already but the news other day was really shocking, please leave a comment for Japanese fans.

Phoebe “I feel strange I talk about it now because it was years ago. But I got courage from the reaction to my action, to be honest. It’s not just about who is wrong or not, what I want to say is it’s important thing that say something when you got hurt, please say NO. The relationship with my band members is exactly like that, we can say anything. Or I have seen people who have feelings for someone who don’t love them, or musicians who hit on their own fans…But we have to care about others, all people have emotion. Especially men have to be carefull about it, I think. I don’t want to accuse someone but we have to talk about it if we are in music scene”

photography Satomi Yamauchi
text Junnosuke Amai

Phoebe Bridgers
『Stranger In The Alps』
Now On Sale

Phoebe Bridgers

1994年生まれ、LA出身の女性シンガー・ソングライター。わずか11歳の時にソングライティングを始める。2014年にiPhone 5sのCMに抜擢され、本人出演でピクシーズ「Gigantic」をカヴァー。彗星の如く現れた彼女に世界中が注目した。地元LAでライブ活動を続けていたところ、米SSWライアン・アダムスの目に留まり、2015年に彼のレーベルからデビューEP『Killer』をリリース。2017年、スロウダイヴやMitski等が所属する米名門レーベル<Dead Oceans>からデビュー・アルバム『ストレンジャー・イン・ジ・アルプス』をリリース。その年の年間ベストアルバムリストを総なめにし、発表されるツアーは完売が続出するなど世界中を虜にした。2019年2月に初となる来日公演を開催した。



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