
text by Nao Machida

Interview with Stephen Chbosky about “Wonder” /『ワンダー 君は太陽』 スティーヴン・チョボスキー監督来日インタビュー


遺伝子の疾患で、人とは異なる顔で生まれてきた男の子、オギー。ずっと自宅学習を続けてきた彼が外の世界へと飛び出し、5年生にして初めて学校に通った1年間を描いた映画『ワンダー 君が太陽』が日本上陸した。R・J・パラシオのベストセラー小説を映画化したのは、自らの著書をもとに『ウォールフラワー』(2012)を撮ったスティーヴン・チョボスキー監督。ただ感動作に仕上げるのではなく、多角的な視点と程よいユーモアを取り入れ、決してシンプルではない物語を丁寧に描いている。本作を引っさげて来日した監督に、映画の撮影秘話や、主人公の母を演じたジュリア・ロバーツとの現場について、さらには次回作の予定まで、貴重な話をたっぷりと聞かせてもらった。



——You adapted a very popular book by R.J. Palacio. Was it more difficult to adapt your own book?

“It was much easier because I had a wonderful partner, R.J. Palacio who is the author. And because I’d already done it once with ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower,’ I just found it was much easier to let go of the things I knew didn’t need to be in the movie. I love the book “Wonder” so much that I just made it the way I thought a fan of the book would make it, like any fan. So yeah, it was actually much easier.



——How faithful is the movie to the original book?

“It’s very loyal to the original book. I love the original book. Obviously, because it’s a film it’s shorter, I cut out a lot of things to make it more succinct, but I worked very hard to capture the spirit of the book. I also added a lot of the things for the parents, because the book is really about the children and the teenagers, and the parents are little bit more off to the side. And because I knew that parents and grandparents will be bringing their children to see the film, and because I had these wonderful actors, I gave them more to do.

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——Did you talk to her a lot?

“Oh yeah, about everything. I was essentially making the movie and she was my primary audience. Because I knew that if I please the creator of the book, the fans of the book would follow. And everything worked out. I was very very pleased.”



——What did you think when you read the book for the first time?

“I thought it was beautiful. I have to say, the most staggering part of reading the book was, and I tried to capture it in the movie, you are reading it and reading it and you just think it’s the story about this little boy with the facial difference dealing with school, and then you turn the page, and it says ‘Via.’ That was the moment when the great book became a classic book. Because once it’s switched to Via’s point of view, you realized that, ok, he has his struggles, but so does she, and so does her friend, and so does his friend… everybody all down the line. It was just incredible, just absolutely brilliant. R.J. said when she started writing the book originally she wasn’t planning on that. It just naturally happened that the character of Via demanded to be known. And I just loved it.




——I thought that was a great idea to have each character’s point of view. When I saw the trailer, I didn’t see this coming.

“It’s very surprising isn’t it? You think you’re watching this movie, and then it becomes that movie and then that movie. I love it!”



——What were you particular about depicting each character?

“The characters were so well drawn in the book that I just wanted to bring them to life. I wish I could describe it, if I ever to describe the process, it would take me three hours and you’d be bored senseless after a while. There is a way to turn three chapters of the book into six lines of dialogue. It’s taking me 25 years of doing this to know how to do that, but there is a way to do it. There is a way to cast it, there is a way to shoot it, and there is a way to score it with music. What you are doing is, you are taking three chapters, you are taking 100 pages, and you are turning it into 100 seconds. There is a trick to it. And it’s something I’m constantly working on because I love literature, I love books and I want to keep adapting them as movies.”




——Jacob Tremblay who played Auggie was spectacular.

“Yes he is. And it really helps by the way a key to a successful book adaptation is having actors of such caliber. Because it’s amazing what Julia Roberts can do with a look or what Jacob can do with a laugh that would take several pages to do in the book to make you feel for these characters.



——Why did you choose Jacob for the part?

“He is the best child actor I’ve seen in a long time. The whole cast is great. There is something really remarkable about Jacob. He’s an extraordinary talent but he’s an ordinary kid. The minute you say ‘cut,’ he goes back just being a normal kid. And his greatness as an artist comes from his goodness as a person. They are absolutely linked. His family is terrific, they are very loving people, they are really good strong close family. He could kind of do no wrong. It’s remarkable thing to work with. He was there every take, and I chose I hope all the best takes. But everything that he did was usable. Same with Julia Roberts, same with Owen Wilson, same with Mandy Patinkin and the whole cast. It was pretty great.



——I really liked the boy who played Jack Will, too.

“Right? Noah Jupe! Have you seen ‘A Quiet Place’? He’s good in that too.”



——So kids were great, but they say “Don’t work with kids and animals.”

“And makeup. [Laughs] I got everything! But you know, for me I actually love it because kids are so excited to be there and they are so natural. The whole cast was great so it’s not like adults were different, but the kids just have the natural enthusiasm. The only tough thing about it is you only have them for certain amount of time everyday to work. That’s the only drawback, everything else was great.”




——How did you direct them?

“First of all, my only rule was I needed all of them to know their lines. That was my rule. Because I felt like when I chose every actor, I also chose them as people and also chose them as a member of the family. So let’s say that a kid gave a great audition, I would say ’That was great, hey, I want to meet your mom.’ Partly to say ‘Congratulations, you have a very talented child,’ but partly to size up the mom or dad and think ‘OK, is this person going to be a part of the spirit of this movie? Or is this person going to cause trouble.’ What I found is people who come from a good family and loving parents have tendency to be loving themselves. I saw hundreds of kids for all the parts, and I tried to choose the best group of kids that would interact with each other. And it worked. I was very very pleased.”



——I like Summer, too.

“She is great. It also helps by the way that six out of eight people were Canadian. Canadians are so nice, oh my god! The teenagers were all American, but the only American child was Julian (the bully) [laughs.] But by the way, the kid who played Julian, Bryce (Gheisar) is totally nice.”



——Did the Star Wars references come from the book?

“Yeah, it’s part of the book. Also, I love Star Wars. The little Darth Vader head in the movie, that’s mine as a child. I brought it from Pittsburgh. What I also love it about is the fact that it also had everything to do with, you know the helmet and space and it all fit the motif of space and exploration of the character. So everything worked and I’m so grateful that David Hoberman, our producer was able to get us the rights from Lucasfilm. He’s had a relationship with Disney for three decades. And he made a phone call to Kathleen Kennedy and said ‘Hey it’s very special. Please read this book and the script. Your support mean a lot to us.’ And we are really grateful that they all agreed.”



——So does Jacob love Star Wars?

“He loves it. He’s a fanatic. I grew up watching these movies, but he knows things that I could never hope to know. He knows everything. It’s amazing!”




——I really loved the parents. Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson were great. How was it like working with them?

“It was a collaboration. I love the whole cast, I love everybody. And Julia in particular, she is very strong. She comes in and says ‘I’m going to do it this way.’ She’s very very direct. And my answer is like ‘ok!’ So she’d do it, and if I felt that there was something else, I would walk up to her and say ‘Listen, I know you don’t want to cry right now. Fine, that’s absolutely fine. I would tell you while I was writing what this scene meant to me.’ I would just share that for couple minutes. I say ‘make that whatever you want.’ I can’t tell you how often I would go back to behind that camera and say ‘action,’ and the next take would be the take in the movie. Because there is something about the communication between my intent and her point of view that led to the best version of the character. She’s great though. And Owen was so funny to work with, and he came up with so many things and some very moving lines. I remember one line when Jacob as Auggie says at the end of his first day of school, ‘So how was your day?’ He says ‘My day is really good right now.’ That’s him. He came up with that line. I was behind the monitor and said ‘That’s really good! Thank you Owen, cut!’”



——And I was really thrilled to hear Julia laughs the way she does.

“What can I tell you! First of all, that’s her actual laughs. So when you are working with her, on set, you hear it all day long. The famous Julia Roberts laughs are on set all day long! But in movies, she just doesn’t do it. You have to earn it. So our producer David Hoberman said ‘Julia Roberts has the greatest laugh in the movie history, you have to get it.’ So in the script I kept writing ‘Isabel laughs.’ But she wouldn’t do it. So finally in the scene she does the laugh, she finishes the thesis and goes ‘oh my god, let’s get drunk!’ That’s the end of the writing. So then I said, ‘I have a gift.’ She goes ‘What’s the gift?’ And I said ‘it’s a surprise.’ Owen goes ‘what’s the gift?’ ‘It’s a surprise.’ No one knows. I built it up the whole week. So when she finally saw what it was, she burst out laughing. There it was.”



——What was in there?

“I can’t tell you. It’s a secret. She made me promise, she swore me the secrecy that I can never tell what was in the box [laughs.]”

Jacob Tremblay as "Auggie" in WONDER.



——I think this film will inspire not just children but adults too. What kind of message would you like to convey the most through this film?

“The message comes from that quote ‘Choose kind.’ But there are two words there. There is kind that we all get. Choose. That’s the work because everybody who lives has the choice. You can either look at that child and stare at them and make them feel bad. Or you can try to get curious and you can learn about them. But what I found is the more that the other becomes normalized, the more that our natural empathy is going to lead us to be kind to that person. R.J. Palacio said this wonderful quote which is ‘It’s really hard to hate somebody up close.’ Like now that we’ve all met here, it would be very hard for me not to like anybody here. And I would hope you feel the same way about me.”



——Bullying a very big problem here in Japan as well.

“I’m very sorry to hear about all these suicides and everything else with the kids (in Japan.) The fact that kids feels so alone… This is something I know a little bit about. The last movie ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ had a lot to deal with this, this had something to do with it. The more that we can talk about these things, make these kids feel less alone, are the better off we are all going to be because a lot of special kids are obviously dying, and we are all worse off for it. I’m very sorry for it. Let’s say that students walk around with knives and stab each other everyday in a hallway, the school would probably put a stop to it, I’m guessing. So I don’t understand why, because the wounds are invisible… I’m very surprised that is tolerated as much as it is. And personally I would love for the adults and teachers to be empowered to put a stop to some of the things within the school walls. Because I think everyone would be better off for it and bullies themselves. Something I tried to do with the character of Julian which is not in the original book, I tried to redeem him. I tried to teach this lesson that he could learn that if Auggie can’t change the way he looks, maybe we can change the way we see. And Julian is going to leave that office as much better and happier person.”




——There are a lot of people who love “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” in Japan. You make great films, but I think a lot of people are waiting for your book as well. Do you have any plans to write a new book?

“I have a new book. It will come out next year. It’s about a single mom and her little boy. And it’s a very emotional book like most of my scripts are emotional. But in this case there is a little extra component that is also very scary. In between movie jobs and everything else, I would write it, write it, write it, and when it hit page 700, I realized there is an epic story. And I love this book.”



——That’s so exciting!

“It exciting, I can’t wait. And thank you for your compliment. I love making movies and directing, it’s such great fun. But my first love was novels, and I’m going to write a lot more. I’ve fallen in love with it again so I’ll keep doing this for a while.”



——What is your next movie project?

“Well, it’s either going to be adaptation of my book, and I wrote ‘Prince Charming’ for Disney. I just finished that a month ago. I don’t know when they want to make it, because they have so many things down the pipe. Eventually we are going to make it, I just don’t know when. I’m very excited.”


text Nao Machida

『ワンダー 君は太陽』
6月15日(金)よりTOHOシネマズ 日比谷ほか全国公開
© Motion Picture Artwork © 2018 Lions Gate Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
原題:『Wonder』 原作:R・J・パラシオ『ワンダー』ほるぷ出版刊
監督・脚本:スティーヴン・チョボスキー 『ウォールフラワー』
製作:トッド・リーバーマン デヴィッド・ホバーマン
出演: ジュリア・ロバーツ『プリティーウーマン』『エリン・ブロコビッチ』オーウェン・ウィルソン『ミッドナイト・イン・パリ』『マイ・ファニー・レディ』ジェイコブ・トレンブレイ『ルーム』ほか



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