Irwin「僕の名前は、Irwin Tobias Matutina。NYを拠点にしたインディ雑誌、Polanskiの創始者。大学で絵画とデッサンを学んだんだけど、僕は同時にデザイン、フィルム、フォトグラフィーといったクリエイティブな表現方法にも興味があった。僕にとって、それは全て同じものなんだ。何かを作ることに変わりはないし、それが第一。表現手段はその次に来るものだからね。今のところ、ブルックリンにある自分の家のリビングが僕のスタジオだよ」
Irwin「ほとんどDIscogs、Soundcloud、それかYoutubeだね。時間とお金がある時は、未だに店でレコードも買うよ。友達のブライアンが、ブルックリンのBedstuyにMixtape Shopっていうレコードストアをオープンしたばかりなんだ」
Irwin「果たしてお気に入りがいるかはわからないけど、Gerhard Richterは好きだね」
Irwin「最近は、Public Possession、Music from Memory、Mood Hut、Golf Channel Recordings、Beach Freaks、L.I.E.S.、Beats in Space、My Rules、Invisible City Editions、Born Free、Sofrito、ESP Institute、Antinoteっていうレーベルの音楽が気に入っているよ」
Irwin「ロサンゼルスの大麻ブランド、Pure Beautyというブランドと今一緒にコラボしているところなんだ。もしスモーカーだったら、チェックしてみて」
interview Ryoko Kuwahara
coodinator spinning books http://spinning-books.com
ーーTo begin with Polanski is simply amazing, and as a former magazine editor it is the ideal magazine. I really love the content. What made you start this magazine? What year first launched ?
Thank you so much! The magazine was sort of an experiment to see if I could make a magazine. It started out as blog and it built up a following, so then I decided to make it a publication. It officially launched the summer of 2010.
ーーHow did you come up with name?
It was a bit of a joke at the time. It’s a play on words and images.
ーーCan you tell us about yourself?
My name is Irwin Tobias Matutina and I am the founder of Polanski, an independent publication based in New York.
I studied painting and drawing in college, but I was also interested in other creative outlets like design, film, photography.
I considered it all the same. It was just about making something, the medium was almost secondary. Currently my studio is my living room in Brooklyn.
ーーIt seems like fashion, photography, and graphic is the focus, but what is the magazine’s concept?
I think the magazine’s approach was to never really define it. I remember when the first issue came out, it was very hard to sell it in to stores. Most of the buyers couldn’t figure out what it was, they thought;
is this erotica? Is this fashion? Is this art? Is this design? Is this pornography? Luckily some people saw it for what it was and loved it.
ーーIs it your role to do everything like planning, editing, directing, and and doing the layout?
Yeah, I pretty much do everything. I reach out to photographers, brief them on the theme, edit, design and art direct all the layouts.
ーーIn order to make this wonderful magazine with all of the staffs including yourself, how is the team formed? Can you tell about each of the roles?
The magazine really doesn’t have a team. My wife was helping me with it for the first couple of issues, but after we had a son. I pretty much did everything myself. I think in the beginning, I was very concerned about the magazine feeling like a “real magazine” with a staff. But after years of doing it, I realized it is a real magazine regardless of the “staff”.
ーーCan you tell me how you make one issue?
It always starts with a theme, then I try and think of contributors that could provide great work based on that theme.
ーーWhat is the process of planning an idea like? Tell me a out the process you go through when you’re putting together a project.
A lot of the decisions I make are just based on feeling or instinct. If I have an idea, normally I’ll let it sit for a bit. Then come back to it, if it still feels new then I usually do it.
ーーWhat is the meaning of producing paper media?
We live in a society where people are constantly looking at screens (including myself), sometimes it’s nice to have a tangible object.
ーーIs it challenging to continue producing paper media in New York? I want to know what the situation for magazines is like in New York.
It can be challenging to print publications in New York, because of cost. More and more publications are coming out though, which is great. I think younger creatives are seeing the printed book or magazine as good way to get their work out. The medium is more democratic.
ーーDo you happen to mainly work with artists in New York?
We try to work with artists based on their work, not their location.
ーーWhat standards have you set when choosing artists to work with?
I think the work just needs to be inspiring. If I don’t find it inspiring, how can someone else have the same feeling?
ーーWhat is most important for you about when it comes to design and layout?
Simplicity, humor and accidents.
ーーWhat is most important when editing?
Every page should feel like it’s hitting you over the head. Pacing and negative space is also good.
ーーWhat is the relationship of art and magazines and fashion and magazines from your point of view?
To me it’s all the same thing and all of it is connected.
ーーWhat kind of experience do you want to provide for the readers?
I want them to be inspired and entertained.
ーーYou make goods as well, but what kind of goods would like to make in the future?
There’s things in the works that I can’t mention just yet. I would like to make more art objects and get into making one-off pieces.
ーーWhat is “Magazine” to you?
A magazine can be anything. It’s any platform to express ideas over time.
ーーIs Polanski a platform? If so, what kind of development do you have in mind?
Polanski is a creative platform where myself and people who inspire me can express ideas freely.
ーーWhat do you like about New York (besides location)?
The food, the work ethic, the spontaneity
ーーWho is buying your magazine mainly? How people are finding you?
I have no idea who’s buying the magazine. My guess would be young creative people. Maybe perverts too.
ーーWhat kind of magazines, media are your daily must check?
I don’t really check magazines daily, but we’re all slaves to social media, right?
ーーWhat’s Internet to you?
The internet scares me, especially how much data is being collected from each individual who uses it.
ーーWhere do you think the trend comes from today?
From youth who are bored and want to express something.
ーーWho is your favorite photographer?
Not sure I have one. I like Gerhard Richter.
ーーWhat kind of Music you listen to? Name of Band/Artist?
Currently, I like music from these labels:
Public Possession, Music from Memory, Mood Hut, Golf Channel Recordings, Beach Freaks, L.I.E.S., Beats in Space, My Rules, Invisible City Editions, Born Free, Sofrito, ESP Institute, Antinote
ーーHow do you find the information usually?
Mostly Discogs, Soundcloud or Youtube. I still buy records at shops when I have the time and money. My friend Brian just opened a great record store in Bedstuy, Brooklyn called the Mixtape Shop.
ーーWhat do you think you will be doing in 5 years? Near future?
Hopefully doing a big painting in a studio with high ceilings.
ーーAny news, or highlight you want us to note about? The latest News on your brand?
Currently working with a cannabis brand out of Los Angeles called Pure Beauty. If you are a smoker, I would check it out.
interview Ryoko Kuwahara
coodinator spinning books http://spinning-books.com