──Are gel nails widely spread in overseas?
Kaneko “It spreads in U.S. more that Europe. In overseas, polished nails are still popular and my favorite manicurist in London also does it. But I admire her high polishing skills. In London, there are many cute nail salons, it is much closer to Japan. But we don’t hear very often about nail salon in Paris.”
──Oh, it’s depends on the culture of each country.
Kaneko “I agree with you. Interestingly, nail arts made by manicurists recently in foreign countries are like very Japanese nail arts.”
──Do they check Japanese nail arts through Instagram?
Kaneko “It seems that they check it very often. They draw more detail than before and use drab color like Japanese nail art.”
─The big influences indicate that Japan is the top class of gel nails.
Kaneko “Japan is probably far the best of all. It also includes issue of parts. It might be natural since we use parts provided by Japanese company. Japanese have a strong desire to become cute such as using eyelash extension.”
——And they are good at a very detailed task by hands. Speaking of the color, DISCO uses so unique colors.
Kaneko “Since I had really liked old clothes and had drawn textile design of them, we have naturally taken in such kind of colors from them, I think.”
──That color is made by you and not using an existing color, right?
Kaneko “I have been made it. Because my eyes always look at these colors, it cannot allow me to use primary colors. Although there are colors which can be used, I feel that it looks tawdry when it is used. So I definitely mix some colors.”
──By mixing colors, you give the depth to colors.
Kaneko “On the contrary, I make bright colors etc. I see the wholeness of these, such as using red color here, then giving light blue color there. I’m very interested in color scheme that I’ve never seen, so I suggest color combination to customers when I feel interesting even though someone feels uncool color combination.
There is no consciousness of belonging to specific genre and I like something shapeless, making something that is not in genre through nail arts. Since I don’t want to allow me to use cookbook color matching as monotonous routine, I feel that person like me needs to go out from Japan”
──Your eyes are getting used to Japanese color. That’s why Ms. Nagisa always goes traveling, right?
Kaneko “I enjoy seeing that each countries show different colors in the case of natures and select shops of old clothes. After the traveling, I get very far with work, it is like making good headway in my brain.”