

金子 渚(DISCO nail)インタビュー/Nagisa Kaneko(DISCO nail)Interview


渋谷・神南の一角に位置するDISCO nailは、日本はもちろん世界各国のファッショニスタが訪れるネイルサロンだ。無限の想像力と繊細な筆致、独特の色合いから生み出されるオーナー金子 渚の作品は、光や周囲の景色も巻き込んで表情を変え、飽きることがない。ネイルという小さなキャンバスをまさにアートに仕立ててくれる稀代のネイリストである。ファッション界にネイルアートを浸透させ、日本におけるネイルカルチャーの流れを変えたと言っても過言ではない彼女に、ネイリストになるまでの過程からクリエイティヴの源までを聞いた。

DISCO nail located in corner of JINNAN SHIBUYA is the nail salon that many fashionista visit from Japan and also from countries around the world.  The works of Nagisa Kaneko who is the shop owner give a lot of expressions including light and view of the surroundings, and never makes us boring because these works are produced by boundless imagination, delicate brushwork, and unique hue.  She is a very rare manicurist who can create art on a small canvas of nail.  We interviewed her about the process to become manicurist and source of her creativity, because she promotes nail art into the fashion industry and it is











──Ms. Nagisa, you originally love fashion and it gave you an opportunity to become manicurist, didn’t it?

Kaneko “Yes, it did.  I had loved fashion, pictures and painted it on nails.  That was the start.  Even though I was an active member of Basketball club during school years, I was drawing textile design at my house until almost 6 am.”

──Were you influenced by clothes that you wore in childhood years?

Kaneko “Since I was a small, I wore patterned clothes because my mother liked it.  It must have a profound effect on me.  So I naturally became to like clothes and textile design.  In addition, since I have long liked formed objects, (while she was pointing to one building across the road) I watched and drew pictures of formed objects such as that arched window frame there.”

──From when did you start to draw pictures?

Kaneko “From junior high school student, I started.  At the same time, I started to do nail art, and I drew design on nail tips.”

──That’s amazing.  At that time, nail tip just begun to put on the market, didn’t it?

Kaneko “Yes.  It became my hobby that I painted on tips sold at PLAZA by using gouache (kinds of watercolors) bought in art supply store.  I have long liked small articles, so I had made small animals with beads etc.  I also have liked knit and embroider.  These things moved me to start this work, I thought.”

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