ロンドンを拠点とする4 人組サイケデリックロックバンド"Bo Ningen"の
音楽を愛する30歳。Bo Ningenの他にも河端一(Acid Mothers Temple)と
の"Mainliner"、 食品まつり a.k.a foodmanとのKISEKI、Jan st
werner(Mouse on Mars)との"miscontinuum"等のサイドプロジェクト、個
たモデルとしてAlecander McQueenやClarksのキャンペーンモデルをは
じめ、i-D, Dazed & Confused, Another man, New York Timesなどのファ
Taigen Kawabe is best known for being the lead singer and a
bassist of a London based Japanese psychodelic band Bo Ningen.
His current music side projects include: Mainliner ( with Makoto
Kawabata from Acid Mother's Temple), KISEKI ( with 食品まつり
a.k.a foodman), "miscontinuum" (with Jan St. Werner from Mouse on
Mars) among others.
His main interests are UK bass music, Japanese Idol culture, pro
wrestling and surreal porn.
You might have noticed his face intently staring at you from the London
billboards, it's for the new international Alexander McQueen fall/winter ad
campaign shot by Harley Weir.