
text by Shiki Sugawara
photo by Masakazu Yoshiba

The Creature Issue : Interview with Tetsumaru Fukuda

NeoL_Tetsumaru1 | Photography : Masakazu Yoshiba


Tetsumaru Fukuda is a member of creative team CEKAI and an active member of music groups Kaisoku Tokyo and NINJAS. When we stepped into his work space, there were monster action figures freely displayed. “Sometimes the kids nearby come to play with the figures”, he says, as we see that he was once a young boy fascinated by monsters. Curious of the perspective of someone who is currently an art director of a children’s show, we asked him how monsters have affected his creations, as well as on ‘what is kept in the heart until one is an adult.’


—Was it perhaps your father that originally liked monsters?


Tetsumaru Fukuda: “Yes, actually. My father was a complete monster otaku (mania) and perhaps from his influence, before I knew it I had grown to like them too. He’s a musician,and even now his workplace consists only of music equipment or action figures. I took after that and my workplace has a lot of monster figures too. When I was a child, I had a habit of watching children’s shows on weekend mornings and drawing the monsters in it, and then showing the drawings to my parents when they woke up to ask for their opinions.My favorite monsters were Hedorah (a smog monster that appears in Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)) and Gyaos (a bat-like flying monster that appears in the Gamera series). They both have very scary features. At first glance I thought they were scary, but interestingly by the time I finished watching the show I couldn’t forget about them. Looking back at it as someone that is currently involved in children’s shows, I think the scary memories you have as a child are what stick with you until you become an adult. Those memories are what shape that person’s tastes.
You could also call it trauma or emotional scarring, but the scars I got from watching monsters was not a deep cut made by a knife, but rather a small scratch, so I can love them. Monsters have the capability of doing so. I think of it this way – the amazing memory that is left unchanged in an adult’s heart is what one will love forever.

NeoL_Tetsumaru3 | Photography : Masakazu Yoshiba

NeoL_Tetsumaru2 | Photography : Masakazu Yoshiba


—Were you more attracted to monsters than heroes since you were little?


Tetsumaru Fukuda: “Now that I think about it, I loved the monster side like Godzilla and Gamera. My favorite is the Gamera Trilogy. At the time, I thought it was the best, and even when I watch it now, I am reminded of what makes me excited and I get very heated. One thing I like about the Gamera Trilogy is that before Gamera appears, there is an unfolding of the enemy monsters vs. the humans. The humans, in front of the enemy monsters, have mercy until Gamera makes his appearance. This plot is the trilogy’s unique, cool characteristic that excites me. I like monsters more than phantoms, simply because monsters are bigger and by far, better. When they come out, no one stands a chance.
I saw that they were trying to illustrate this in the recent Kong: Skull Island (2017), and was moved. This invincibility shakes people’s hearts. As someone who is in a rock band, I think it’s the closest thing to how people see a rock star’s grand presence. A good example is Beyoncé’s recent Coachella performance – the moment Beyoncé steps on stage in font of millions of people, the crowd knows that they don’t stand a chance to her presence. I think Beyoncé that day was simultaneously rock, and a monster, haha. The way it suppresses all of the audience’s emotions is indeed the virtue ofmonsters.


— Then, are monsters not something you feel close to, or relatable with?


Tetsumaru Fukuda: “Right. It’s the opposite of intimacy – I get goosebumps when watching. I’m more interested in scary or strange characters than cute ones drawn with bubbly lines. From a certain generation, the amount of information on the shaping of monsters has increased. They used to express universal things in a minimal way, but even I noticed that things were changing as a child, and thought it was a bit off. You cannot underestimate children. Knowing children are the most sensitive to things, Toru Narita (Designer and sculptor. Designed monsters, aliens and the set of Ultra Q, Ultraman) designed thoroughly. He kept in mind that it was for children, and continuously believed that kids would understand. The more you pay attention to the shape, the lines decrease and the figure becomes minimal. This is more difficult because you can’t cheat it, but Mr. Narita probably fought through that. Jamila (An asteroid monster that appears in Ultraman My Home is Earth) and Dada (A three-faced phantom that appears in Ultraman Human Specimens 5 & 6) have a futuristic content, but the ideas for the shapes were inspired by tribal dresses. The timeline is flipped and future stories are approached from primitive things. Things like tribal native dresses are an appeal to God, so there is no need to be ostentatious. The shape based on the context that ‘all is meant for God’ is applied to a“monster”, a natural phenomenon’s incarnation. Hence, it is easy to accept it because the concept of “primitive” and “universal” is consistent.


—We see “primitive” not only in the design but in the content of Ultraman.


Tetsumaru Fukuda: “The question I had when I was a child: “Why do monsters get attacked?” is a very “normal” thing to think. This is the root of the Ultraman series content. If you follow it to its roots, you will realize monsters are not bad. They simply sleep, live, and walk, and you’ll question why they get attacked. Even Godzilla (1954) originally had monsters emerge through an H-bomb test that destroyed the city. I think these are the monsters’ fundamental things.
Speaking of, I thought there would be a monster film created after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, but there wasn’t one. Although there certainly is a taboo to it, I think they should have especially made one then. There are things that individuals can express, but the 1954 Godzilla delivered to the world, entertainment and fear in the form of a monster film. I secretly thought of ideas and talked about them with my friend. Godzilla Resurgence had that sort of nuance, but I still believe there should be other monster films. Japan today is especially in need of monster films.

NeoL_Tetsumaru4 | Photography : Masakazu Yoshiba

NeoL_Tetsumaru5 | Photography : Masakazu Yoshiba


—What monster would you want for to debut?


Tetsumaru Fukuda: “Some people may think it’s imprudent, but monsters that are born in Fukushima. There was a former T.V. documentary called Radioactivity and the Elderly, that to me resembled the world of Ultra Q. It originally followed the life of a man who was a shadow artist in the mountains of Fukushima, but the Great East Japan Earthquake hit during filming and he had to evacuate, so the documentary’s meaning changed completely. I cried so much,and fantasized that if I were to make a monster film, I would have a cow farmer in Fukushima who is hit with danger in the area. However, despite the danger, he refuses to leave the cows and continues to care for them. The cows pass away one by one, but one of the surviving female cows gives birth to a calf that is born as a monster. The farmer takes great care of the calf/monster but it is ultimately eaten by it. Lastly, the monster takes off to the city. My image of the last scene is the monster rampaging with fireworks sparking in the background.”


—As expected, it ends with the monster rampaging.


Tetsumaru Fukuda: “Yup, and chowing down people. In my mind, monsters are things like that
that cannot be held down.”


—What are some things you keep in mind when producing children’s shows, that are also found in movie films?

福田哲丸「いま僕はニャンちゅう(NHK Eテレ『ニャンちゅう!宇宙!放送チュー!キッズワールド』に登場するキャラクター、地球ネコ)のアートディレクションをしています。今のニャンちゅうって、月面から全宇宙人に向けて地球の紹介をしているんですね。小さい子って地球の文化を知らないという点では宇宙人と共通しているから、その紹介を宇宙人と一緒になって小さい子も観ている、ということになります。もう凄いですよ、『今日の視聴者数は、2兆6千億720万人だったよ!』とか番組中に平然と言っていますから(笑)。

Tetsumaru Fukuda: “I am currently the art director of Nyanchu (A Space Cat character that appears in NHK Educational T.V. Nanchu! Space! Broadcast-Chu-! Kid’s World). Nyanchu today introduces Earth from people on the surface of the moon to the entire universe. Small children are like aliens in the way that they do not know anything about the culture of Earth, so they sit with the aliens and watch it. It’s remarkable – it casually says things like “Today’s views were 2,600.72 million people!” during the show. I had the chance to produce Nyanchu’s partner,Berabora (Warawara Alien), but I had to create something awkward for the five-year-old kids that watch the show. I kept in mind, and made it an honor to create ‘a scar that will be left on these kids’ hearts 20 years from now’. Berabora is a ‘collector of things on Earth’, but since he doesn’t know how to use the things he collects, he acts like a smartass. As for his look, I made him have eyes attached to a huge mouth, with no arms. There were many voices about him on Twitter saying “gross” and I thought, “Yes!!”. Because it is a creature from a different planet, I could not have the shape resemble an animal, so I made sure it looked nothing like any creature on Earth. And the personality, distinct and stimulating. Children especially become interested in things they find a bit strange. For any situation, I am conscious of the craftsmanship of abnormal things.

『ニャンちゅう!宇宙!放送チュー!』(NHK Eテレで毎週日曜日の17:00-17:25放送中)NHK「LIFE!人生に捧げるコント」のトークセットデザインを手がけている他、TVCF、MV監督としても活動。Amazon fashion week 2018においてTTT_MSW/美術監督、NEIGHBOR HOOD/演出とその活動は多岐にわたる。

Tetsumaru Fukuda
Graduate of Tama Art University. Vocalist of Kaisoku Tokyo and creative director of creative team CEKAI. Nyanchu! Space! Broadcast-Chu-! (Airs on NHK Educational T.V. every Sunday from 5:00 p.m. – 5:25). Designs the talk set of NHK Life! Jinsei Ni Ageru Konto, and is a director of various T.V. commercials and music videos. His versatile talents are seen through his participation in Amazon Fashion Week 2018 as Artistic Director of TTT_MSW and his appearance on NEIGHBOR HOOD.

photography Masakazu Yoshiba
interview&edit Shiki Sugawara



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