

グローバル・グループ展『One’s Room(おねの部屋)』がプロジェクト・スペース脱衣所で開催

東京の日暮里・谷中エリアにあるプロジェクトスペース「脱衣所- (a) place to be naked」では、20名のグローバルアーティストを集結するグループ展「One’s Room・おねの部屋」を開催する。李静文、クレオ・ベストペンがキュレーションを務める。毎週特別イベントを開催する。

「One’s Room(おねの部屋)」は、自伝的小説のキャラクター「One」(おね)の部屋として展開される没入型のグループ展覧会。本展は、古い木造建築である「脱衣所- (a) place to be naked」の特徴を活かしながら展開される。おねは物理的には存在しないが、その部屋の中にはおねの存在が感じられるようになっている。部屋の中には絵画や写真、ビデオのほか、布、家具、本、食べ物、植物、日記など家にあるさまざまなものが展示。これらはすべて、絶えず変化し、多様で捉えどころのないおねのアイデンティティを具現化したものです。それぞれのアイテムには物語や感情が込められており、私たちをその親密な世界へと誘う。


Emese PAP,
Garance FRUH,
郭青泉|Ching-Chuan KUO,
ヨハンナ・リドル|Johanna RIEDL,
ナカノマサト |Masato NAKANO,
須藤祐太郎|Yutaro SUDO,
ニコ・ウー|Niko WU,
根本祐杜|Yuto NEMOTO,
DCX Theophylle,
MILLET Margot,
キャリー・タン|Cally TAN.

デザイナー:ニコ・ウー|Niko WU, クレオ・ベストペン|Cleo Verstrepen
キュレーター:李静文|LIJINGWEN(Seibun), クレオ・ベストペン|Cleo Verstrepen

会期:2024/7/12(金) – 2024/7/28(日)



開催地:脱衣所- (a) place to be naked 

主催:脱衣所 – (a) place to be naked

助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京[スタートアップ助成]
・DDA Contemporary Arts


7月12日(金) – オープニングパーティー
7月13日(土) – ナカノマサトのタトゥーワークショップ 
7月21日(日) – ニコ・ウーのテキスタイルアップサイクリングワークショップ 
7月28日(日) – クロージングパーティー

Dates: July 12, 2024 – July 28, 2024
Open Days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday
Open Time: 13:00-17:30
Venue: Datsuijo – (a) place to be naked
※Location details will be provided only to those who have made a reservation. Approximately 8 minutes on foot from Nippori Station.
Hosted by: Datsuijo – (a) place to be naked
Supported by DDA Contemporary Arts,
Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Reservation URL:

EVENTS Details
(※Admission is by reservation only. Additional details will be provided on Peatix.)
July 12th – Opening Party
July 13th – Tattoo Workshop with Masato NAKANO
July 21st – Textile Upcycling Workshop with Niko WU
July 28th – Closing Party

作家、企画者、研究者として幅広い分野で活躍し、現代アートを多面的な視点から捉え表現している。現在、東京藝術大学の博士後期課程に在籍し、デジタルフィールドでの彫刻概念と彫刻的身体と空間の社会性についての研究を進めている。彼女は芸術団体「Upload AIR」の運営やウェブマガジン「The Colossus巨像」の編集、アートコレクティブ「脱衣所」のメンバーとしても活躍。彫刻作家としてのバックグラウンドとメディア理論研究者の視点を融合し、独自のキュレーションプラクティスでポストメディア時代に生まれるアートシーンの特性を広く伝える。2024年、李は新たに設立したアーティストインレジデンス「D-O-U Narimasu」を初め、東京アートシーンにグローバルな刺激を与えることを目指している。


脱衣所 – (a) place to be naked

「脱衣所 – (a) place to be naked」は、創作活動に新しい視点を与え、その親密性を強調すると同時により政治的な意味合いを持たせ、それらを共有するプロジェクトスペースを始動。

The global group exhibition “One’s Room (おねの部屋)” will be held from July 12, 2024 to July 28, 2024 at the project space Datsuijo.

At the project space “Datsuijo – (a) place to be naked” located in Tokyo’s Nippori/Yanaka area, the group exhibition “One’s Room・おねの部屋” will be held. It features a collection of works by 20 international artists curated by Li Jingwen(Seibun) and Cleo Verstrepen. Additionally, special events will be hosted every week in One’s room.

One’s Room is an immersive collective exhibition that unfolds as the domestic space of an autofictionnal character named One. It embraces the old, wooden and organic architecture of Datsuijo. One isn’t physically present, yet they have forged profound connections with the material space of their room. Within it, drawings, paintings, photographs, videos, but also cloth, furniture, books, food, plants, a diary, and all sorts of things that can be found in a house, are a tangible manifestation of their ever-evolving, mixed and elusive identity. Each of these items holds stories, emotional connections, and imaginaries, inviting us to rummage into their intimacy.

One’s self is a tapestry woven from the curators’ and artists’ personal experiences. In their room, they explore questions relating to gender, kinship, sense of belonging and the overlooked realms of what is considered “feminine work” such as care, domestic chores, and minor arts. There, objects are no longer purely decorative, functional, or passive elements: they become vessels for imaginaries, self and communal care, spiritual encounters and political reflections, that the audience can freely touch, savor, and linger on. One’s room is also one of communality and hospitality, where people are invited to gather and share practices, thoughts and food during special events.

Li Jingwen(Seibun)(b.1994, China) is an artist, planner, and researcher known for her multidimensional approach to contemporary art in digital society. She is pursuing a Ph.D. at Tokyo University of the Arts, focusing on the concept of sculpture in digital fields and the social aspects of sculptural bodies and spaces. She actively manages the art organization ‘Upload AIR’, edits the web magazine ‘The Colossus’, and is a member of the art collective ‘Datsuijo’. Li integrates her background as a sculptor with her research in media theory to uniquely curate and broadly communicate the characteristics of the art scene emerging in the post-media era. In 2024, Li aims to stimulate the Tokyo art scene with her newly established artist residency ‘D-O-U Narimasu’.

Cleo Verstrepen
After studying philosophy and social sciences at SciencesPo. Paris and La Sorbonne (Paris IV), Cleo Verstrepen (b.1996, Paris, France) graduated in cultural studies at the University Paul Valéry (Montpellier III). Cleo Verstrepen is currently a MEXT-funded PhD student at the Tokyo University of the arts and the University of Vincennes Saint-Denis (Paris VIII). Their interdisciplinary thesis, at the crossroad of art theory and art history, urban studies, and social sciences focuses on community-led art organisations involved in rural and urban revitalization processes in Japan.Cleo Verstrepen’s approach to research is creative and integrative, spreading outside the academic sphere through artistic and curatorial practices. Drawing upon theories of the spatial turn, new ecologies and queer studies, they focus on small scaled micro-political projects which enhance human and non-human agencies.

Datsuijo – (a) place to be naked
“The personal is political” was a rallying cry in the second-wave feminist movement.
Yet, what questions might this statement pose in today’s society?

Our project 脱衣所 – (a) place to be naked, wishes to bring a new perspective on art making—stressing its intimate nature while elevating its political significance.

The project space, named “Datsuijo,” serves as the base for our collective activities, seeking an intermediate sphere between the private and the public. By carrying out experimental projects within this space, we investigate the present-day dynamics between ourselves and society.



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